Sunday, March 28, 2010

cravings COMPLETE

as salaamu aalaykum!

this pregnancy is still kicking my butt, however, I am doing A LOT better alhamdulillah. Today I ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast.

I then was able to eat 2 (yes two!!) steaks, a big portion of rice and this crazy good sauce (huancaina).

I made papa a la Huancaina (beyond good) and made extra sauce so I can add it to everything.

This is what it looked like(sorta). Picture courtesy of aPeaceofCake. yum.


NtN said...

Awww, alhamdulillah! That's so awesome! InshaAllah you keep feeling this well and the sickness has passed!

Gabby Hijabi said...

i didn't know if your going to share what your having or not Inshallah.. but when you know and if you plan in sharing Inshallah please let us know.. I am so excited for you!! when are you due??

.::Tuttie::. said...

nah, I am not going to find out. I distrust ultrasounds and will only undergo the medically mandated ones.inshaAllah.

with my last pregnancy I didn't find out and LOVED the surprise. Although I did have dreams it was a boy. Alhamdulillah my labor from the first contraction to the end of labor was 8 hours and after all of that it was such a treat to find out. To each their own though, I have a friend who hates surprises so she will be finding out.