Monday, February 15, 2010

Food journal FINALLY!

in between my nausea I am not getting that much food in my system. Alhamdulillah so far I have been able to keep what I eat but it is a HARD battle.

So today I spent most of the morning sleeping.

woke up
ate a couple of bites of melon, a bowl of pasta with ground beef, a bowl of cereal.

Ate a bowl of melon with whip cream, more pasta with ground beef, glass of banana milkshake and water.

1 and a half pancakes and a glass of milk. Still hungry though.


Stacy K. said...

Well, its not a ton of food, but at least its a good mix of things and lots of fruit and veggies.

Gabby Hijabi said...

am surprised you are still doing the weight loss thing now that you found out your preggo. Its great though your eating healthy. Congrats!!

Assalamu Alaikum

.::Tuttie::. said...

@ Gabby, no am not trying to loose weight but I am eating so little I figured I could keep track of it online via this blog. My goal is to EAT as much healthy food as possible and also because the midwives recommend me keeping a food journal.

Gabby Hijabi said...

Hope your feeling better Inshallah.. i read you had trouble keeping food down.. so excited for you.. hoping you will share your pregnancy experiences...assalamu alaikum <3